My Story

Growing up, food was an important part of our life. My family ate because it was breakfast time, we ate because it was lunch time, we ate because it was 6:oo and at the Jensen house, that was dinner time. We ate because we were happy, we ate because we are sad, we ate when we were celebrating, we ate because we were mourning. Sometimes we didn’t even need an excuse, we just ate. Hunger rarely was a reason we ate.

At the age of 8 I remember feeling “fat.” I always disliked the weight around my mid section- my belly fat. Feeling “chunky” was something I battled most of my life. My desire to actually lose weight started in junior high.  I loved food so much that I would binge and purge my food and for years I suffered in silence with bulimia nervosa. Throughout the years, I unsuccessfully attempted several “diet plans” on my own, typically ones that I found in Women’s magazine. I even had a file named “DIETS.”

My first “official” weight loss program began at the age of 17- Weight Watchers. I was SO young compared to everyone then and extremely embarrassed attending the meetings. I never got to my goal weigh but I did learn some healthy habits. AT one time, I remember being told by my health practitioner that I was “obese.” My second “official” weight loss program began after the birth of both of our kids when a friend of mine told me she was going to start Weight Watchers. I went along more to support her not realizing I had 25 lbs to lose. I got to my goal weight and became a Lifetime Weight Watcher Member. My weight slowly creeped back after a few years and back I went back to Weight Watchers.

I realized ACCOUNTABILITY is what I needed for success. I attained my lifetime member status again. Again, after several years and the loss of my 65 year old brother, my weight soared to the highest it had ever been. That was nearly 3 years ago, the time when my personal Keto journey began. I met a woman who ate Keto and shared her knowledge with me. It seemed like a doable option and so I began researching everything I could about it. Within a short period of time, I got to experience the wonder of Keto eating ( no longer getting Hangry (hungry and angry) , feeling “satisfied” after eating meals, decreased appetite, increased energy and a 40+ lb weight loss. 

Changing my dietary lifestyle has been one of the most rewarding decisions I have ever made. I feel better than I have in years. The pains and symptoms I’ve had since 2006 after battling Lyme Disease have diminished or disappeared.